digitalCANVAS: procreate workshops by traci bautista


  • You create so much art that hides inside the pages of your art journals and sketchbooks. What if you could turn your art journals, sketches, and paintings into beautiful textiles or printed papers?

    Do you want to learn how to transform your mixed media art into beautiful digital freestyle patterns that can be used to create collage papers, planner pages, art journal ephemera or fabrics for art quilts?

    Join artist Traci Bautista for SKETCH.PATTERN.PRINT. intensive

    In this online experience, you’ll explore the entire creative process and Procreate workflow to create freestyle surface pattern designs. The course is full of colorful inspiration and ideas to encourage you to paint and create patterns in Procreate.

    Get the blueprint for designing your own freestyle patterns that can be used to create prints, pillows, fabrics, and more.

    join me for a self-guided virtual intensive with over 6 hours of content & tutorials to learn about turning your sketches into beautiful patterns using your iPad, in the workshop these topics are covered… {see detailed course itinerary in PROGRAM SCHEDULE tab}

    Defining your Creative Process
    Creating Mixed Media Motifs
    Digital + Traditional sketching/painting
    Art + Digital Surface Design Procreate workflow
    Creating custom pattern brushes
    Designing patterns in Procreate
    Create Custom Fabrics in Spoonflower

Type: e-course

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