graffiti bouquet video + kit

  • graffiti BOUQUET mixed media project video
    project video + art journaling kit + collage papers
    This video project includes 4 multi-part HD video lessons that take you step-by-step through creating the Graffiti Bouquet project in my book Doodles Unleashed {pp. 64-65}. The lessons include creative jumpstarts, INSPIRATION and ideas for collage & mixed media.
    - graffiti BOUQUET workbook PDF includes 12 pages of inspiration and collage sheets.
    - INSPIRATION full of photos & art samples
    - 4 HD VIDEO technique lessons, including project overview and materials discussion. 
    - video access codes are provided in PDF
  • PLEASE NOTE: This is a digital product and no physical products will be shipped to you.  Once payment is received, you will receive automated email from "treiC designs digital boutique by traci bautista" with information regarding downloading the project digital kit PDF and video access codes will be provided. The link expires in 14 days and you are allowed TWO downloads. FOR PERSONAL USE ONLY.
  • DESCRIPTION | Inspired by the juxtaposition of colorful urban graffiti walls and blossoming gardens, my graffiti bouquet paintings are visual journal collages with extreme color and texture in rich, vibrant layers. The project can be found on page 64-65 in Doodles Unleashed. You'll explore working with gesso, paint,collage, markers, white out pens and dimensional paint I've posted four HD videos, one overview of the project, one materials review and two that are step-by-step videos to create the collage. Enjoy the project! This is PROJECT THREE in Doodles Unleashed Video Kit Club...purchase entire DUVKC here and save! To view a list of general materials used in all my e-courses/online workshops visit here.

  • The original artwork and these images are the copyright and belong to Traci Bautista. You are purchasing this digital download product and all downloads by you (the User) from are for PERSONAL USE ONLY. And under NO circumstances, these images cannot be resold (as collage sheets, cut-up, digitally altered), printed for commercial use, distributed electronically or redistribution of any kind.Use of any designs, in any form, on any tangible or electronic form for business promotion or professional use is strictly prohibited and will be prosecuted by law. You may use Traci Bautista/treiC designs/Collage Unleashed digital downloadable products for personal blogs, photography & crafts applications without special permission.
    >>>>>>>>>>>for complete TERMS of USE visit here ©Copyright 2009 - 2013 Traci Bautista.

Category: collage, e-courses, painting, video

Type: e-book

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